Closing Checklists to Prepare the Cottage for Winter


If you haven’t already done so, it’s almost time to close your cottage and bid it farewell until next spring, when the fall season is well underway. Being on your own might be intimidating, and there are essential duties you don’t want to overlook.

If you’re tired of closing up the cottage every season, you could consider upgrading to an all-season cottage, such as these houses for sale in Bracebridge

In the meantime, as you are ready to move out of your temporary residence for the winter, the following items are great to check off your list before closing down for the season:

Exterior Checklist

When the proper procedures are followed, winter planning is made simpler. You’ll have a better weekend when you reopen the cabin in the spring if you properly close up the cottage for the winter.

The work shed and storage should be cleaned and organized. Arrange all equipment and tools carefully, inventory them, and note which ones need to be replaced or brought home. Remove all cans, containers, etc. and deliver them to the landfill. The spring will make you happy than ever.

Chainsaw, Weed Whacker, and Lawn Mower

Run them until all of the fuel has been consumed.

Clean the tools thoroughly.

Examine and maintain the air filter.

Spray Quick Lube or WD-40 on all moving parts.

Clean and hone each blade.

The equipment should be kept in a secure shed.

Kayaks and Canoes

Place the kayak and canoe on a rack or on sawhorses that are out of the way of the road and the lake. They’re connected with a strong lock on a chain.

Patio Items

If there is room, move the picnic table to the cottage. It keeps the table intact and gives you a surface on which to set boxes. Disconnect the BBQ’s propane tank and clean it. Keep them in a secure location.

Septic Tank and Bathroom

If it’s time, think about getting them cleaned or pumped.

If not, add some authorized “good” bacteria to your septic tank and outhouse to aid in the wintertime breakdown of the waste.

Storage sheds and gardening equipment

Interior Checklist

Inside The Cabin, Collect all the items that have accumulated but are seldom used, such as hats, shoes, pots, and pans, and give them to a good cause. The moment is now for clearing the clutter.

  • Timber Stove
  • Completely clean the wood stove.
  • Vent damper: close it.
  • Check the chimney stack for tar accumulation, rust, and loose strapping where it connects to the outside.
  • If necessary, fix or replace the gasket or seal.
  • Lubricate the levers, hinges, and other moving components.
  • freezer and refrigerator
  • Eliminate all of the leftover food.
  • Clean them properly after disinfecting them.
  • Between the door and the refrigerator or freezer, insert some chopsticks. This leaves them slightly open to let air in and prevent mildew growth.

Windows and Screens

Close all window screens on the cottage and any applicable outdoor features, such as a gazebo. The extra work is worthwhile because you could otherwise have to spend more time fixing the damages and tidying up after the intruding animals in the springtime.

Furniture and Beds

Use plastic sheets to cover chairs, sofas that are mouse-prone, and mattresses on the beds. Put many fabric softener sheets in closets, furniture, and dresser drawers. It aids in keeping mice away.