Are You Buying a New Home? Here’s How You Can Make Your Move ‘Greener’


We hit the streets for this article and asked for advice from experts in sustainability, living a green life, as well as moving, in order to put together some tips on making your ‘greener’.

Moving is a big undertaking and there are a ton of things we can all do better to make the move much greener than we have in the past. We continue to learn about how our actions affect the environment and we all have to do something about it.

Below you’ll learn some helpful tips from experts we talked with on the subject on making your move greener:

1. Do not use single-use cardboard:

Single-use items in our society are a major issue we’re facing right now. There’s so much that goes into creating products, that to only use it once before discarding it is such a shame. Mike Harvey of 1st Move International recommends finding alternatives to going out and buying cardboard to be used just for the move:

“I believe a “green” alternative to cardboard boxes is the use of reusable totes. In fact, reusable totes are always helpful to have around your home and can actually serve as great storage options to keep things free of dust and safe from harm.

If you begin to collect totes over the years when it makes sense, then they can be very helpful when the time comes for you to move. These totes will eliminate the use of one-use cardboard boxes and can make your move quite effective as well. If you browse your local re-used market, you might even be able to find some second-hand totes that are cheaper and can provide another life to these plastic totes.”

2. Do not run vehicles or moving trucks while they are not moving:

Kyle Rhodes is a writer for and brought an interesting thought to the table.

“Some people will leave vehicles running during a move without even really thinking about it. And most times it’s a large truck or a moving truck, which is terrible for our environment.

I write about motor racing and Formula 1, who are actively working to cut down emissions for the betterment of our planet. Movers and people who have purchased a new home should also think about this in regard to the vehicles they are using to move. Turn off your vehicles when not in use and be mindful of the harm you’re causing while leaving moving trucks on and idling.”

3. Eliminate the use of bubble wrap:

Another hazard to our environment is plastic, and things like bubble wrap are the perfect example of that. When moving, Erich Horder of Olde World Movers recommends you try to find alternatives to things like bubble wrap:

“Blankets and towels are a great alternative to using bubble wrap and are much better for our environment than purchasing plastic bubble wrap to use once. Also, it’s cheaper, which is another important element of moving. Don’t just run out and buy a huge roll of bubble wrap without considering the effects. Instead, find an alternative and be smart about it.”

Bottom line: Moving can actually be quite harmful to our environment, and it is happening so often that we all must take a stand. Consider the options above and come up with ideas on your own that can contribute positively to how you move.