How amazon reports are helpful for successful businesses?


When it comes to operating a business, you must make decisions based on the facts available to you to keep your company on track. 

Fortunately, if you have a corporate Seller account, you will have access to a variety of business data that can assist you in running and growing your Amazon business.

Each company report contains useful information that may assist you in making decisions about your marketing campaigns, listing content, pricing, and much more.

What is Amazon Business Reports, and how do I get them?

Amazon reports give you useful information and statistics to help you track your business’s performance. You may view information like how many units you’ve ordered, however many people have visited your advertisements, exchange rates, sales totals, and the Buy Box % in these reports.

Return data, advertising reports, and stuck inventory reports are just a few of the reports accessible in Seller Central.

These reports indicate where your company is doing in key areas, allowing you to make informed decisions as to how to proceed. Rather than depending on your instincts, leverage the valuable information Amazon gives to help your business succeed.

How reports may help you keep track of your company’s success

In Amazon Seller Central, you’ll find a plethora of changes in your company reports. Read and comprehend them regularly so you can keep track of your progress and avoid missing out on possible sales and profits. You may improve your exchange rates and sales volume, reduce ad spending, and more using the information supplied in Amazon’s accessible reports.

How would you understand what is effective for your items if you don’t have any data to look to? Each report may be downloaded as a CSV file and opened in a spreadsheet tool such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

You’d want to know if your posting had a great conversion rate but few visits, wouldn’t you? Minor things like these might help you come up with new strategies to increase traffic to your listing.

What amazon aggregators rating should you pay attention to?

It might be difficult to determine what to focus on when there are so many distinct reports accessible to professional salespeople and brand owners. I’ll go through the metrics that I use to keep track of my Amazon business’s success.

Let’s take a look at Amazon Seller Central’s “Business Reports” area. Go to the Reports Tab and choose “Business Reports” from the drop-down menu.

This report contains the following categories of information:

Within 24 hours, the total number of sample visits to your product page. This is important since you can know exactly how many buyers visited your listings throughout the period you specify. If the number of visits to your product page is low, you should consider how to boost traffic to it.

Page Views: The total number of times your listings have been seen within the period you’ve chosen. This figure may be larger than your sessions since it includes consumers who visited your listing many times.

Page Views Proportion: The percentage of page hits received by a certain ASIN compared to all of your other items.

Buy Box Proportion: The percentage of page visits when the Buy Box was active. If you’re an arbitrage or wholesale reseller, this indicator is very important because it shows you how often you obtain the Buy Box compared to competitors selling on the same listing. If you’re a private label vendor with less than 100 percent of the Buy Box, this is also handy.

Units Ordered: The total quantity of packages ordered over the provided period. This is helpful to track each week to determine if there are any product sales drops or growth.

Sales of Ordered Items: The total income for each of your products over a specific period. Another excellent measure to keep track of is to guarantee that your product sales are increasing month after month.

Total Order Items: This displays the total number of orders placed for a certain item. Because a consumer may order numerous things, this number will be equal to or fewer than the total units ordered.

Rate of conversion

On Amazon, a “good” conversion rate is roughly 5-10 percent. Of course, this may vary depending on the product or niche you’re selling in, but it’s something to aim towards.

Note: On a standard eCommerce website, a “good” conversion rate is roughly 1-2 percent. The conversion rates for the first two goods displayed above are great. Using the first item as an example, this suggests that more than 30% of buyers who see this item feel motivated to buy.

The conversion rate for the third commodity, on either hand, is only 1.32 percent. This indicates that the listing may be improved.

There might be a problem with your listing if your conversion rate is below 5% or less. What are some of the most prevalent reasons? There are too many negative reviews, the listing quality is poor, the photos are poor, or the price is too exorbitant. Purchase on Amazon is influenced by several things. Even if your sales are higher than 10%, there’s still plenty of space for improvement.

Is your primary image crisp and set on a white background? Do you have any supporting photos or infographics with text that is informative? Take a look at the photographs of your rivals and see how they differ from yours.

Is your listing copy informative in terms of title, bullets, and description? Is the reader left wanting more information? Do you clearly state the product’s characteristics and benefits? These are the kinds of questions you should ask yourself, and any weak points should be addressed.

Is your product overpriced in comparison to the competition? When it comes to conversions, the cost is a major consideration. If a buyer thinks your product isn’t worth the money, they’ll go with the less expensive choice. This is also where the quality of the listing comes into play. Images of high quality and well-written material add value. Saras Analyticsis one of those company which is helping many people.