The Most Thoughtful Gifts to Give This Valentine’s Day


Like any holiday, Valentine’s Day can turn hokey and lack meaning which makes it tough to always ensure you’re buying the right kind of gift for those you love. You don’t always need to think way ahead in terms of what to buy for someone, but you also don’t want to wait until the last minute and end up with a “panic gift” either.

“Sometimes the best gift you can buy is an experience.” Says Josh Bluman, of JJ Suspenders. “When I think of Valentine’s Day, I think of all the things I would love to experience with my loved one, or even friends and family. A meaningful gift is picking something you can do together, and capture that moment in time instead of just simply handing over a card and some chocolates.”

“Signing you both up for a couple’s cooking class is always fun and exciting, or buying reservations at a Nordik Spa. These experiences are something you get to do together, and look forward to at a later date. You can always expand on the gift by getting a hotel for one night to make it even more memorable.”

Experiences are a great way to let someone know how much you appreciate them, but also that you want to spend more time with them. Especially if you are newly in a relationship, these gifts can help to bring you both closer together and get to know each other even better.

But even sometimes the classic gifts are what mean the most too. Steve Eakin of Love My Bonsai remarks that you really can’t go wrong with flowers or a plant. “Flowers are such a sentimental gift and really can brighten anyone’s day. Different flowers have different meanings, so you can convey a lot with a bouquet.”

Flowers and plants also are something you care for which also reciprocates the love you received from getting that particular gift. “Plants also make a great Valentine’s day gift because they last much longer than a bouquet of flowers. You have to nurture them, and can put them in a nice pot and use them as part of your home decor. Many plants also provide benefits like improving the air quality in your home and can also help to brighten up your space,” Eakin continues. “A plant can also be something you take care of together, and it can encourage you to buy even more down the road. Plants are great additions to any home and are a long lasting gift.”

If you are in a time crunch though and need a meaningful gift, writing a heartfelt letter to your partner is always a good option. A letter from the heart really does make a nice gift. Buy a nice card, or stationary and simply write exactly how you feel about your significant other. All anyone wants on Valentine’s Day is to feel noticed, loved and appreciated for who they are and a note can help you to do that. If you aren’t great with saying how you feel, writing it down can help you to express it and your partner gets to keep it forever.

No matter the gift you choose to give though, you simply want to have some meaning behind it. Explain your choice of gift and let your loved ones know how you feel this Valentine’s Day!